notes on contributors

As predestined by her name, Michèle Causse was born on the causses of Lot in France. She lived in France, Tunisia, Italy, Martinique and the US before emigrating to Canada where she published four of her main works. Her books include L'Encontre, (   ), Voyages de la Grande Naine en Androssie, a collection of essays Les oubliées de l'oubli and most recently Contre le sexage, a theoretical work on language and lesbian creativity. She has translated some thirty novels out of English and Italian, among them those of Djuna Barnes, Jane Bowles, and Herman Melville. She has also translated works by Mary Daly, Gertrude Stein, Alice Munro, Pavese, and Natalia Ginzburg. She now lives in the southwest of France.

Riva Danzig - I began to explore the personal through poetry in 1985 at the age of 37. That this coincided almost exactly with my coming out as a lesbian hardly seems like a random occurrence. To paraphrase Gertrude: getting down to essence is getting down to essence. My poetry has appeared in Radiance Magazine, GirlSpeak – an anthology of poems from the GirlSpeak poetry reading series at the Knitting Factory in New York City – and in Sisters Singing: Incantations, Blessings, Chants, Prayers, Art and Sacred Stories by Women due out Summer, 2006 from Wild Girl Publishing. I am currently at work on a collection of poems called Trial & Error.

Harriet Ellenberger was co-founding editor of the print journal Sinister Wisdom from 1976 to 1981, and from 2000 to 2003 edited a small web publication called She Is Still Burning. She lives in rural New Brunswick, where she and her partner are renovating an old farmhouse.

Eve Fox is a writer in the throes of freeing herself from the repressive regime that has ruled her mind. She has been actress, meditation, reiki, and yoga teacher, polarity therapist, secretary, wife and mother. She values the presence and companionship of her familiar, Jade, the fluffy Diva Kitty with the crooked tail.

Carolyn Gage is a playwright, performer, and activist. She was disabled with Compensated Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) for nearly a decade. The author of more than fifty musicals and plays, she has written five books, four of them on lesbian theatre. Widely produced and published, she tours internationally in her own work, lecturing and offering workshops on non-traditional work for women. Her catalog is online at As a survivor of sexual trauma, Gage is deeply interested in PTSD and how it affects and informs lesbian relationships and culture.

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg is the author of five books, including three collections of poetry – Lot's Wife (Woodley Memorial Press), Animals in the House (Woodley Memorial Press), and Reading the Body (Mammoth Press). Her poetry and prose have been published in over 50 literary journals and anthologies. She teaches at Goddard College, where she coordinates the Transformative Language Arts concentration; she also facilitates writing workshops for women living with cancer, low-income women in a housing authority, and other populations. Her website is

Susan Moul lived 22 years in Boston after a working class childhood in rural Pennsylvania. In 2002 when her son left home for college she moved to Vermont to write, spending part of every day outdoors in the mountains and most of every night reading Helene Cixous, Sharon Olds, and Eileen Myles aloud in a steamy bathtub – the only warm place in the barn she had rented. She is currently working, writing, and teaching at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Meditation in the Berkshires.

Deirdre Neilen is associate professor of bioethics and humanities at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY. She is the editor of the university's literary journal, The Healing Muse, and a published fiction writer.

Lou Robinson is the author of Napolean's Mare, a novel from Fiction Collective2 (and FC2 winner of 1st book of fiction). Her writing has appeared in The Iowa Review, The Kenyon Review, Trivia, Conditions, Quarterly, f(Lip), Epoch, Tessera, Trois, Gargoyle, Black Ice, Phoebe, New American Writing, The American Poetry Review, 13th Moon; in short story collections by City Lights, FC2, and Crossing Press; chapbooks by Top Top stories and Awede Press. With Camille Norton she co-edited Resurgent: New Writing by Women (University of Illinois Press). She was born in Delaware, Ohio and lives in Ithaca, New York.

Bonnie St. Andrews was the Distinguished Teaching Professor (SUNY's highest academic honor) of bioethics and humanities at the Center for Bioethics and Humanities, College of Medicine, at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY. Her writings appeared in over 200 journals and magazines including The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Commonweal, Georgia Review, Puerto del Sol, The Gettysburg Review, and Trivia, A Journal of Ideas. Her article on Nelly Sachs in the first issue of Trivia was her first major publication.Her books include Forbidden Fruit: On the Relationship Between Women and Knowledge, Learning from Renoir, and two chapbooks, Stealing the Light and Heal Thyself. Bonnie was the founding editor of The Healing Muse, Upstate's literary journal.

Vancouver writer Betsy Warland has published 10 books of poetry and prose. Her most recent books are: Only This Blue and Bloodroot - The Untelling of Motherloss. She is the director of The Writer's Studio at Simon Fraser University and has taught creative writing at various writing schools and led writing workshops across Canada. A critical essayist for art catalogues, Warland has also pursued her fascination with the essay in her current manuscript Breathing the Page: the Ecosystems of Narratives. Her website address is

Lise Weil moved to Montreal, PQ from Montague, MA in 1990 and has never regretted it. She was founding editor of Trivia, A Journal of Ideas, which grew out of the study group she describes in "Leverett." She is encouraged by the vitality of this online reincarnation of Trivia at a time when North American feminist culture seems to be operating mostly under the radar. She teaches in Goddard College's Individualized MA program.


archive issue

issue 3 • February 2006
art by suzanne langlois

love & lust


Lise Weil
Conversation with Michèle Causse

Michèle Causse
Chloto   1978

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
The Woman with the Secret Name

Harriet Ellenberger
She is Still Burning

Eve Fox
In The Beginning

Riva Danzig

Carolyn Gage
When Sex Is Not the Metaphor for Intimacy

Susan Moul

Bonnie St. Andrews
Quotidian Love
Deirdre Neilen

Lise Weil

Betsy Warland
After Sappho's Fragments. Tips for Natural Disasters, Said Before

Lou Robinson
A Lesbian is a Memoir

Notes on Contributors


Couples, watercolor and pastel by Suzanne Langlois.


print journal...

Back issues of Trivia, A Journal of Ideas are available at $5.00 each, including postage and handling. Read more here.